MinLand Project at the Future Mine and Mineral 2019


MinLand project – Access to land a key issue for mining

Dr. Ronald Arvidsson, the project coordinator presented the MinLand Project at the Future Mine and Mineral 2019.

Competition about use of land is fierce within Europe. Currently, the need for metals, construction raw materials and industrial minerals is increasing. Therefore, there is a large need for access to land for exploration and extraction of mineral raw materials. Since land use is not always well synchronized when it comes to extraction of minerals EU has recognized the need for exploring good practices for sharing between the EU member states for guidelines regarding how to reach a system where land is not sterilized and a harmonized land use and mineral policy strategy that will allow extraction of metals, construction and industrial mineral within Europe. In a global context we are also obliged to take a shared burden of extraction and not only consumption.

The H2020 project MinLand therefore deals with:

  • Establishing a data base regarding legislation and policy regarding minerals land use and general land use
  • Analyse different land use cases of mineral exploration and extraction
  • Develop a guideline regarding successful process of exploration and extraction with focus upon a optimized and sustainable land use process and mineral extraction
  • The guide line will focus upon good case examples 

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